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Indigenous women’s voices should be heard in all W20 G20 negotiations

By July 21, 2022August 29th, 2023No Comments

Outside the W20 Summit, on July 20, indigenous Toba women and a number of activists unfurled a giant banner that read “Women of North Sumatra Against Deforestation” on Lake Toba and a number of action posters on the boat. The action was a protest against the discussions at the W20 meeting that did not address the problem of economic injustice experienced by Indonesian women, especially indigenous women. This meeting was actually held only to produce policies that would benefit the country’s economic and political elites, corporations and international financial institutions, and not to discuss the real interests of the people.

Among other media coverage, Narasi, an online media outlet responded with a comprehensive
video of the story and interviewed Aksi! and its partner KSPPM.

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