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FFD Platform

Webinar – How to achieve the SDGs despite the worsening hunger and poverty crisis?

By Events, India

Side event to the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the webinar was organised by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) and Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP). The event focused on the discussion on “Building forward better” around four interlinked themes – vaccines, hunger, debt and social protection, and livelihood while discussing it in context of the achievement of the SDGs, especially SDG 5 using the gender lens.

Watch the video

Communities Discriminated on Work & Descent People’s Assembly – June 2022

By Events, India, Uncategorized

Side event to the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (UN HLPF), this Communities Discriminated on Work & Descent (CDWD) People’s Assembly was facilitated by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, with NCDHR’s leadership.

Participants discussed achievements and obstacles regarding the rights of communities discriminated by work and descent. The forum brought together 39 CDWD rights experts, activists, and other country representatives, and had four aims:

1) to recognise the numerical strength and geographical spread of CDWD communities and the gravity of the discrimination they face;
2) to assess the level of response from individual and collective States Parties in eradicating such discrimination and violence;
3) to explore how the CDWD communities can be formally brought within the ambit of the UN Charter Bodies; and
4) to explore ways and means of generating support from the Foreign Missions

Watch the video of the meeting

Diamond TV Zambia: “Debt and repercussions on the marginalised”

By Economic Justice, Zambia

The TV programme “Debt and repercussions on the marginalised” was broadcast on 23 June 2022 on Diamond TV Zambia. Panellists included Chama Mundia from JCTR and Mendai Imasiku from the Non-Governmental Gender Coordinating Council.

Watch the replay featuring JCTR

This programme was replicated as a radio show on 5FM Radio Zambia on 23 June 2022. Panellists included Chama Mundia from JCTR and
Claudia Pollen from the Consumer Unit Trust Society. You can listen here to the radio programme.

“When it rains, it pours”: Latin America and the Caribbean facing the consequences of pandemic and war

By Economic Justice, FfD processes

This document was prepared by LATINDADD with the contribution of its member organisation the Center for Economic and Social Rights – CDES.

The objective of this document is to present recommendations based on the studies carried out by these organisations on the context of the region, the analysis of development processes and recommendations in this regard.

Fighting inequalities in the global tax system: Stop the foxed from building the chicken coop

By Economic Justice, Philippines, Tax Justice

Global tax rules are biased in favor of multinational corporations, rich countries, and the world’s elite. Corporate tax abuses and other illicit financial flows remain unchecked, bleeding economies dry and depriving people of health, education, and other public services. Inequalities in the global tax system worsen inequalities everywhere.

The ‘tax deal’ proposed by the OECD/G7/G20 will only benefit rich countries and will not solve the fundamental problem of imbalances in global tax rules that place developing countries at a severe disadvantage.

The fox cannot be left to guard the chickens or the chicken coop. Dereje Alemayehu, of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, argues that “trusting the OECD to set global rules on corporate tax when OECD member countries are responsible for over two-thirds of global corporate tax abuse is like trusting a pack of wolves to build a fence around your chicken coop.”

Stop the foxes. Fight inequalities in the global tax system and fight for just, progressive and gender-responsive systems. Stop corporate tax abuses and other illicit financial flows. Tax the rich, not the poor!

Domestic Resource Mobilization Thematic Briefing cover image

Thematic Briefing on Domestic Resource Mobilization

By Global Inequalities

This briefing was developed by the Civil Society FfD (Financing for Development) Mechanism (led by SID). The briefing connects the national and international when it comes to tax policies and broader domestic resource mobilization strategies, highlighting how shaping decision-making on global economic governance at the UN has the potential to transform our global economic systems to reduce inequalities within and between countries and make them work for people and the planet.

The briefing is part of the Civil Society FfD Mechanism’s broader toolkit introducing the Financing for Development (FfD) process. This is intended to to make navigating the FfD process and its interrelated domains more accessible for a non-technical audience.

The briefing is available in English, French, and Spanish.

Domestic Resource Mobilization Thematic Briefing cover image