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The Impact of IMF measures on women in Ecuador, , , , March 11, 2023ej-publications economic-justice-for-allecuadorcovid19 gender gender-equality imfenglish spanish
Les exonérations fiscales, le grand manque à gagnerNovember 17, 2022ej-publications economic-justice-for-allmoroccotax-justice
A debt pandemicNovember 17, 2022ej-publications economic-justice-for-allglobaldebt-justiceenglish
Illicit financial flows in Peru and their impact on the guarantee of human rights, November 17, 2022ej-publications economic-justice-for-allperuillicit-financial-flows tax-justice
Documentary: ‘A story told by women: fiscal austerity and indigenous territories’, , , , November 10, 2022economic-justice-for-all ej-videosecuadordebt debt-justice gender gender-equalityspanish
Diamond TV Zambia: “Debt and repercussions on the marginalised”, , , June 30, 2022ej-others ej-videos economic-justice-for-allzambiadebt debt-justice human-rightsenglish
“When it rains, it pours”: Latin America and the Caribbean facing the consequences of pandemic and war, , April 23, 2022economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationscovid19 financing-for-developmentspanish
Debt management: Fiscal rules, rights and human development in Peru, , March 1, 2022economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsperudebt-justice debt-sustainabilityenglish
Infographic: Ghana and the debt crisis, February 26, 2022ej-infographics economic-justice-for-allghanadebt debt-justiceenglish
Illicit financial flows in Peru and their impact on the guarantee of human rights, , February 1, 2022economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsperuhuman-rights illicit-financial-flowsenglish
Are You Really the Santa Claus They Say You Are?, November 21, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-videosphilippinesenglish
Social unrest, fiscal adjustment and debt sustainability after Covid-19, , , November 17, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsglobalcovid19 debt debt-sustainabilityenglish
A Debt Pandemic: Impact of the crisis in developing countries, , , , September 15, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-infographicsglobaldebt debt-justice debt-sustainability imfenglish
Diamond TV Zambia: Debt and natural resource government, , , July 25, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-videoszambiadebt debt-audits debt-justiceenglish
5fm Radio Zambia: Debt and natural resource governance, , , June 15, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-videoszambiadebt debt-audits debt-justiceenglish
Debt, Colombia & Covid-19, , , , June 8, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-infographicscolombia globaldebt-justice debt-sustainability imfenglish
How to get to the bottom of a country’s debts?, , May 26, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsglobaldebt debt-auditsenglish
Debt, Kenya and the IMF, , , April 9, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-infographicskenyadebt-justice debt-sustainability imfenglish
Rewrite the Rules, Make Taxes Work for Women, , , March 31, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-videosglobal philippinestax-justice un-tax-bodyenglish
A debt pandemic: Dynamics and implications of the debt crisis of 2020, , March 23, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsglobaldebt-justice debt-sustainabilityenglish
Bangladesh, Covid-19 and Debt, , March 16, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsbangladeshcovid19 debt-justiceenglish
Grenada, Covid-19 and debt, , February 2, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsgrenadacovid19 debtenglish
Nepal, Covid-19 and debt, , January 12, 2021economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsnepalcovid19 debt-justiceenglish
Zambia: The canary in the (debt crises) mine?, , November 26, 2020economic-justice-for-all ej-videoszambiacovid19 debt-justiceenglish
Zambia, Debt and Covid-19, , , November 25, 2020economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationszambiacovid19 debt debt-justiceenglish
Ecuador, Covid-19 and Debt, November 19, 2020economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsecuadorenglish
The Philippines, Covid-19 and debt: Left alone to deal with the pandemic, , , October 8, 2020economic-justice-for-all ej-publicationsphilippinescovid19 debt debt-justiceenglish