Side event to the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the webinar was organised by the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) and Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP). The event focused on the discussion on “Building forward better” around four interlinked themes – vaccines, hunger, debt and social protection, and livelihood while discussing it in context of the achievement of the SDGs, especially SDG 5 using the gender lens.
From school books we know that forced cultivation systems were introduced by the Dutch colonial government through Governor General van den Bosch. Today, almost 200 years after that dark period, we seem to be able to witness it again on the land of Kalimantan through the Food Estate which is a National Strategic Project during the era of President Jokowi’s government.
As KPA Secretary General Dewi Sartika said, “if analyzed, the Food Estate system is actually similar to the forced cultivation system, so it can be concluded that Indonesia’s economic policies have returned to the era of colonialism.”