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Suara Perempuan Adat Harusnya Ada dalam Semua Negosiasi W20 G20

By Campaign, Indonesia

Di luar W20 Summit, pada 20 Juli, para perempuan adat Toba dan sejumlah aktivis membentangkan spanduk raksasa bertuliskan “Perempuan Sumatera Utara Lawan Deforestasi” di danau Toba dan sejumlah poster aksi di atas kapal yang merupakan bentuk ekspresi keresahan atas pembahasan dalam pertemuan W20 yang tidak menyentuh persoalan ketidakadilan ekonomi yang dialami perempuan Indonesia, terutama perempuan adat. Pertemuan ini sesungguhnya digelar hanya untuk melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang lebih menguntungkan elit ekonomi dan politik tingkat negara, korporasi dan lembaga keuangan internasional, dan bukan membahas kepentingan rakyat sesungguhnya. 

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Women from all walks of life walk together and call out for change

By Campaign, Events, Global Inequalities, Indonesia

“Hopefully it [our calls for change] will contribute to the G20 agenda so that the impoverishment of Indonesian women can be addressed.” 

Indonesian women from various backgrounds – from farmers to street vendors to migrant workers – came together for a series of events in March 2022 to address the inequalities they face in their daily lives. After a series of consultations and a strategy meeting, a set of 9 demands was drawn up which represented the common priority concerns of these women. These demands were released during a press conference on International Women’s Day, and a demonstration on the beaches of Bali helped draw further attention to the demands.

As a result of these activities and the sense of solidarity and sisterhood established through the process, the women decided to form a network of women for gender and economic justice, dubbed “P23+ Network”. The network is committed to working together to pursue the nine demands formulated together.

Read more here.

Global Protest to Fight Inequality 2022

By Campaign, Events, Global Inequalities, India, Indonesia

On 15-22 January 2022, APMDD and its members participated in the Global Protest to Fight Inequality (initiated by the Fight Inequality Alliance). This included activities in Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Philippines, around the theme “It’s Time to Tax the Rich”.

Actions ranged from protests by workers and union leaders in the Philippines and dances to the tune of “We Will Tax You” (see Facebook Live stream above), a children’s art exhibit in Pakistan, a human chain in Bangladesh, a package of activities from movie screenings to talk shows, declarations and mural installations in Indonesia, and a discussion forum bringing together around 70 activists, thinkers and leaders in India.

Further details on the actions can be found in this article.

Global Days of Action for Tax Justice 2021

By Campaign, India

From 23 to 24 September 2021, APMDD members were mobilised to participate in Global Days of Action for Tax Justice (see also the video montage here).

This included actions in several countries. In India, activists participated in a photo action, candlelight march, human chain, and the press statement “India should stop this race to the bottom of corporate taxation” was released. Plus, a photo action took place in Bangladesh, and a photo action by fisherfolk and a press conference was organised in Pakistan

Watch the video of the Days of Action for Tax Justice 2021

By Campaign, Global Inequalities, India

During the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on 14-30 September 2021, the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) strongly urged governments in Asia to reject the OECD-G7-G20’s “tax deal of the rich” and heed civil society demands for democratic, inclusive, and transformative global tax architecture.

This video was shot during the Days of Action for Tax Justice on 23-24 September 2021.