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Ina Na Marjuang

By End Inequalities, Global Inequalities, Indonesia

“Walaupun saya tidak punya keturunan, tapi darah saya harus saya perjuangkan. Ini tanah opung kami.”

Para perempuan Batak Toba maju di depan untuk mempertahankan tanah-tanah adat mereka. Perempuan tani dan para perempuan adat telah menjadi korban paling menderita akibat proyek pembangunan eksploitatif. Meski seringkali diabaikan, suara para perempuan adat yang menuntut keadilan akan terus lantang terdengar dari Tanah Toba.

Cover image of report on women & girl sanitation workers (smiling girls standing on back of parked truck)

Dalit Women & Girl Sanitation Workers: Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

By India

This report, by the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights provides insight into the lived realities and stories of women and girl sanitation workers in two states in India (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra). Their voices often go unheard and their lives made invisible due to the stigma attached to their work. Based on a combination of a literature review and focus group discussions with women and girl , the report helps the reader to understand the issues and challenges of daily life from their lens, and the hurdles they face in accessing their rights and entitlements. The report also provides an analysis of existing schemes and budget allocation for sanitation workers and the gaps that must be addressed by the government and society at large.

Cover image of report on women & girl sanitation workers (smiling girls standing on back of parked truck)



Potret Perempuan dalam Ketidakadilan Gender dan Ekonomi di Indonesia: Prosiding Konsultasi di 10 Kota

By Indonesia

Penerbitan prosiding konsultasi di 10 kota Indonesia inimerupakan ruang yang disediakan untuk membantumenyuarakan persoalan ketimpangan gender dan ekonomiyang dihadapi terutama oleh perempuan di garis depanpersoalan ini, yaitu perempuan miskin.

Prosiding konsultasi di 10 kota ini memperlihatkan realitasperempuan dalam situasi kemiskinan, proses pemiskinandan ketidakadilan.
Selanjutnya, prosiding ini jugamenggambarkan pemahaman perempuan terhadappersoalannya dan analisis mereka terhadap persoalan yangdihadapi, yaitu kausalitas faktor-faktor kemiskinan,pemiskinan dan ketidakadilan dalam konteks jalinankekuasaan patriarki, globalisasi, mili tarisme danfundamentalisme.

Harapannya, melalui prosiding ini kita dapat melihat situa-si perempuan dari cara pandang mereka sendiri, memaha-mi persoalan mereka dan aspirasi perubahan yang merekainginkan, dan selanjutnya mengembangkan usaha bersa-ma untuk membantu mereka, keluarga dan komunitasnyamenghadapi situasi ketimpangan dan ketidakadilan yangmereka hadapi.

Versi flipbook online

Ewen Bawi Ji Bajuang

By Indonesia

“Aku melawan! Aku pegang sapu. Aku bilang, kalau Bapak tidak pulang saya akan teriak, Bapak ini maling.”

Perampasan lahan akibat berbagai proyek pembangunan telah membuat kehidupan para perempuan Dayak di Kalimantan Tengah terpuruk. Mereka mengalami pemiskinan, akibat hilangnya akses ke sumber daya alam dan akses ekonomi. Tidak hanya itu, perempuan juga menjadi korban kekerasan. Trauma tak membuat mereka mengurung diri, mereka bergerak dan menyuarakan ketidakadilan.

Cover image of report on Gender Responsive Budgeting for Dalit Women (images of active women and girls and graphs)

Gender Responsive Budgeting for Dalit Women

By India

Gender Responsive Budgeting has emerged as critical tool for incorporating a gender perspective into India’s overall planning and budgeting. But are India’s budgets responsive to Dalit women’s needs? NCDHR analyses whether India’s budgets in 2019-2023 have been successful in reaching the most marginalised women after two decades of gender responsive budgeting. The report also proposes changes that the union government can make to make its gender responsive budgeting more inclusive of Dalit women.

Cover image of report on Gender Responsive Budgeting for Dalit Women (images of active women and girls and graphs)

Stop Killing Us!: Over 150 days of campaigning to end the needless deaths of sanitation workers

By Campaign, Global Inequalities, India

Casteism and untouchability still decide the social structure in the larger part of the country. For them development is just a superficial myth.”

Members of Safai Karmachari Andolan – a movement of people engaged in or formerly engaged in manual scavenging that spans across India, have been campaigning every day for over 150 days. The campaign, called “Stop Killing Us” aims to bring attention to the often ignored, under-reported issue of deaths of sanitation workers who regularly die from exposure to noxious gases in sewers and septic tanks. This work is carried out by people who feel they have no economic alternative. SKA is calling for contractors and municipalities to take responsibility, for governments to make use of machinery compulsory for such work, and for proper rehabilitation and support to be provided for people to transition to dignified livelihoods with living wages. Read more here and follow the ongoing campaign updates on Twitter here (#StopKillingUs).

Policy action needed to tackle discrimination on work and descent in contemporary forms of slavery: South Asia

By India

Modern slavery is the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of people through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or other means for the purpose of exploitation. The victim under modern slavery is, therefore, confronted with threats, violence and abuse of power. Modern slavery occurs in different situations in which a victim is severely exploited for the gain of the perpetrator, either personal or commercial. It can take various forms such as bonded labour/debt bondage, forced labour, forced child labour, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, domestic servitude and unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers.

Discrimination based on work and descent’ (DWD) is the UN terminology for caste discrimination. It affects over 260 million people globally, it has its roots in the centuries-old caste system of India and is prevalent in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Indian diaspora, owing to shared histories, borders and people.

The briefing demonstrates the links between caste-based discrimination and forms of modern slavery in South Asia, including the practice of forced labour in the form of manual scavenging and presents recommendations for policy-makers at various levels. 

Cover page of briefing on comptemporary forms of slavery in South Asia. Image of 3 children hugging.

Asia Days of Action 2022 – Tax Justice Now for People’s Recovery

By Campaign, Events, Global Inequalities, India

The Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, together with its members at the national level across Asia, carried out the Asia Days of Action – “Tax Justice Now for People’s Recovery” from 23 to 24 September 2022 (click here to watch a video summary).

Multisector groups from Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan took part in days of action, holding seminars, protest actions, solidarity gatherings and photo actions. The groups stressed the urgency to address policies that severely undermine the capacities of people to prepare for, respond to, survive, recover, and rebuild when crisis or natural disasters strike.

Highlights in India included a workshop bringing together CSOs, domestic workers and migrant workers, a puppet show on unjust tax regimes, poster-making by children, and a ‘Ride for a Fair Tax’ that mobilised domestic workers on bicycle.

In Bangladesh, garment workers protested in front of the National Press Club, demanding an end to VAT.

In Pakistan, the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum organised a rally against injustices in the tax system in Pakistan, and a seminar was held to discuss the need for taxes to work for ordinary people and help deliver public services and much needed relief in light of the floods that struck Pakistan that month.

Click here to read the press release

Click here to watch a video of the Asia Days of Action for Tax Justice 2021

Communities Discriminated on Work & Descent People’s Assembly – September 2022

By Events, India

Virtual side event to the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Communities Discriminated on Work & Descent People’s Assembly builds on the in-person CDWD People’s Assembly (and its outcome declaration) which took place in June, and July’s CDWD UN strategy workshop.

The Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD) organised this side event during the Global People’s Assembly in which NCDHR spoke about the Global Advocacy Plans of the global forum.

Watch the video