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Le projet

This website reflects the work carried out under the project “From commitments to actions: Increasing public accountability in the lead up to Monterrey+20.” The project is designed to contribute to increased public accountability and good governance, in order to promote increased domestic resource mobilisation (DRM), improve debt management and reduce illicit financial flows (IFFs). Specifically, the project partners aim to create a global network of active civil society organisations (CSOs) in 50 developing countries, which will lead an international initiative aimed at ensuring public accountability and good governance in DRM; prudent debt management; and the reduction of IFFs, with a special focus on gender equity. Project also aims to support partners in building up the momentum among civil society organisations and governments for a Global “Monterrey+20” Summit on Financing for Development to take place under the auspices of the UN.

Monterrey Financing for Development
Proposal for a United Nations Convention on Tax

Monitoring and Accountability Framework

Monitoring and Accountability Framework (MAF) is a core element of this project and was designed by Eurodad (in close collaboration with project partners) to support each partner to conduct national level research and analysis in focus countries (Peru, Ecuador, Grenada, Morocco, Kenya, Zambia, Bangladesh, Philippines and Nepal).

The framework is structured in three clusters, matching the three priority areas of the project:

  • Fair taxation, tax exemptions and revenues from natural resource extraction;
  • Fight against tax evasion and illicit financial flows;
  • Debt management.

The three cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights and development effectiveness principles have also been integrated into the framework.

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MAF provides with a brief introduction of relevant indicators, guidance on the methodology as well as overview of global resources including databases created by Eurodad:

  • Databases on tax rates. Building on work by IMF, KPMG and others, Eurodad has created databases with the official corporate income tax rates for the focus countries, for the most part covering the period from the early 1980s until today. This data can be used to produce illustrations of the national trends. Furthermore, Eurodad has also created a smaller database with the official value added tax rates of the focus countries from 2010 until today. Lastly, Eurodad has added a database about personal income tax rates and rules;
  • Database on revenue sources in selected countries. For some focus countries (Philippines, Kenya, Morocco, Ecuador and Peru), Eurodad has been able to locate historical data on the contribution of different types of taxes to the overall domestic tax income (the “tax mix”). This data can be used to get an impression of the overall role that different taxes play in the overall tax mix, as well as developments over time (including an analysis of whether regressive taxes such as VAT are playing a growing or declining role in the domestic tax mix).

The framework has been instrumental in facilitating the national level research and enabling project partners to collect comparable data that will be used to compile Summary Report where the overall joint findings and recommendations by Southern partners will be presented, along with a global outlook. Report will be shared on this website when it is ready for public consumption.

If you would like to have more information about the framework, please contact Project Coordinator at syuldasheva@eurodad.org

Qui sommes-nous?

The project brings together a strong coalition of CSOs who work to advance the agenda of tax and debt justice movement on national, regional and global levels. Activities take place in 9 focus countries across 3 continents and co-led by the following partners:

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a regional network of civil society organisations. It is composed of think tanks, trade unions, feminist groups, youth led and faith-based organisations, and community-based organisations spread across African countries. The network envisions an Africa where tax justice prevails and contributes to equitable, inclusive, and sustainable development. In spearheading tax justice in Africa, it advocates for pro-poor tax policies and tax systems that curb leakages and optimise domestic resource mobilisation (DRM). Through policy influencing, it mobilises citizens and institutions to demand fair tax systems. Within this project, TJNA leads the work in Kenya and across Africa.

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR)

Founded in 1988 the Centre anchors its existence on translating into action Christian principles and values in a quest to promote social justice in Zambia. Key to JCTR’s work is generation of evidence and undertaking of analysis of pertinent and topical issues to advocate for pro-poor policies, programmes and practices aimed at promoting good governance and economic development that address poverty and inequalities in Zambia. JCTR having being instrumental in seeing the cancellation of Zambia’s debt in the early 2000s, has continued to undertake and lead advocacy work at both local and national level aimed at addressing transparency and accountability regarding debt contraction, debt management, illicit financial flows, tax evasion, domestic resource mobilisation and promotes prudent use of public debt resources.

Oxfam Morocco

Present in Morocco since 1991, Oxfam mobilizes citizens’ power to achieve a just world without poverty. Oxfam works in close collaboration with nearly thirty partnering organizations and allies at the local, regional, national and international levels. Since 2016, Oxfam has been focusing on the role taxation in reducing inequalities and poverty. In this regard, Oxfam has been working with different stake holders to influence fiscal decision making. In the context of political and social transformations affecting most countries in the region, Oxfam works together with local partnering associations and allies so that Moroccan citizens, particularly youth and women, can influence the decisions that affect them, to ensure respect for their fundamental rights for a better future.

Center for Economic and Social Rights of Ecuador (CDES)

Center for Economic and Social Rights of Ecuador (CDES) is a civil society organization that is passionate about defending the human rights of its people. They emphasise the importance of equality in all areas of life and believe that policies can be used as an instrument to introduce much needed structural changes in the society, in particular in legal and economic areas. They use rigorous research to support their work, strengthen the capacity of indigenous peoples and unions and help them to hold duty bearers accountable for the decisions they make. CDES is part of several international coalitions and networks and seeks ways to collaborate with others in order to contribute to global efforts in recovery of resources lost in tax evasion and avoidance, the mitigation of illicit financial flows and progressive and direct taxation.

The Latin American Network for Economic and Social Justice (LATINDADD)

The Latin American Network for Economic and Social Justice (LATINDADD) is a network of 23 social institutions and organisations from 13 Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru. LATINDADD carries out awareness-raising, capacity building, monitoring of public policies, critical analysis, development of alternative proposals, advocacy and mobilisation of civil society and social movements. The Network and its members work to solve the problems arising from the systemic crises and propose solutions aimed at building an economy that has peoples interests at its heart and helps to uphold their economic, social and cultural rights.

Jubilee Caribbean

Jubilee Caribbean is a non-profit organisation which seeks to effectuate changes leading to enhanced fiscal policies and smarter efforts to counter the effects of climate change on Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The purpose of the Jubilee Caribbean’s movement is to advocate, on behalf of the countries, for favourable terms in debt repayment and for a moratorium in the event of natural disasters above a pre-determined level. Some of the main tasks of the organisation are to hold creditors accountable; encourage governments to put policies in place to maintain an appropriate debt to GDP ratio and to ensure consideration is given by creditors to the economic vulnerabilities of small island states who contribute least to but are affected most by the effects of climate change. Within this project, Jubilee Caribbean leads the work in Grenada, one of our focus countries.


ActionAid is a global movement of people, working together to ensure equal human rights for all and end poverty. ActionAid works with over 15 million people in more than 45 countries globally. ActionAid actively believes that through local, national and global collaboration, sustainable and positive changes can come, and we can create a poverty and injustice free world. Action Aid Bangladesh is an active partner in this project and has been instrumental in engaging with key stakeholders and communities on the ground.

Asian People's Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

A regional alliance of 43 Asian peoples’ movements and CSOs, APMDD works towards economic justice in the context of development and environmental sustainability. APMDD leads targeted advocacy and awareness-raising efforts at the regional level to combat tax dodging and illicit financial flows, and brings the Asian perspective to the global level. APMDD is a member of the Fight Inequality Alliance, co-coordinator of Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia, and a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice.

European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)

A European network of 58 members across 28 European countries, Eurodad is a sister network of APMDD that advocates for democratically-controlled, gender-just and human rights-based financial and economic systems. As coordinator of Tax Justice Europe, Eurodad plays a key role in leading European CSOs in their engagement on tax justice and is also a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice. Eurodad is also the coordinator of this project.

Pour nous contacter

Pour toute demande de renseignements relative au project global ou le contenu de ce site Web, veuillez contacter syuldasheva@eurodad.org. Pour les demandes specifiques au travail des partenaires individuels, veuillez trouver leurs coodonnées sur chacun de leurs sites Internet via les liens ci-dessus.