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Civil Society for Financing for Development Group

Request to join the Civil Society for Financing for Development Group to be added to its open virtual mailing list called “Global Social Economy”. This list serves as a mechanism to promote, catalyse and facilitate engagement of civil society in the formal Financing for Development UN process and its related domains.
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Sign up for Eurodad’s bi-weekly newsletter, “Development Finance Watch” to receive the latest analysis and research from Eurodad, its members and allies on various topics related to economic justice.
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Global Debt

Global Debt coordination email list: it is an open list available since 2016 and managed by Eurodad, Latindadd, Afrodad, APMDD and Jubilee USA. The list offers access to information on debt related policy matters (global and country specific), coordination meetings, tools, campaigns and events. It can be accessed by civil society organisations only. To subscribe, please contact debtjustice@eurodad.org
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